Saturday, November 30, 2013

Training Day

Day one: I went to the gym today in order to begin my training for hiking in four weeks. What I did:
ten minutes on recumbent bike level 5. Purpose-begin circulation in body and respiration.
Ten minutes on elliptical level 5. Purpose-increase circulation and respiration, particularly in diaphragm.
Ten minutes on BoSu ball balancing and then attempting a squat. Purpose- get finer muscles working. Also, I heard recently balancing helps to reset the nervous system.
Ten minutes on treadmill-loosen muscles back up after BoSu experience.
Full squats until I lost my form-I did maybe fifteen or twenty with no added weight. Strengthen legs and work on quads tracking evenly over patella
Back to treadmill 5 minutes with slight incline-again, get muscles loosened up after squatting.
More squats to fatigue (maybe five or seven) and ten standing lunges each side.
Then stretched and showered.
What was my favorite part? All of it. At minute 17 of my warm-up I felt the endorphins kick in. I felt so satisfied from there all the way through to the shower where I felt my sympathetic nervous system relax. How is it I manage to forget how much I love exercise?

Day two: ten minutes of warm up. Then lat pull-downs, dumbbell rows, shoulder lift, shoulder press, bicep curls and ten minutes on treadmill. Then repeated all again. Then did scissor kicks for 15 minutes to open up my hips more. Purpose-strength train upper body starting with my large, weaker muscles (back and posterior delts) and ending with smaller, easier for me to define muscles. It was a little emotional today. When I was on treadmill between lifting I felt some emotions go through me. I was also a little less clear about what I wanted to do. When I used to work out, I did upper and lower body equally. Now, working the upper body is a little confusing to me. Not sure why. Perhaps because it is weaker and takes more time to feel like everything is moving the way I want it to.

Day 3: 30 minutes on treadmill

Day4: break

Day 5: 20 total mins warm up on level seven, recumbent bike and elliptical. Then two self-made circuits of  -squats, dead lifts, treadmill (done twice) and then -lunges, hamstring curls, quad press, rowing (also done twice). Then some brief shoulder presses and bicep curls. Then on treadmill for ten minutes. Then some brief chest press (only because I couldn't stop thinking about doing it)

Day 6: up A mountain and down three times

Day 7: upper body training at gym

Day 8: break

Six months

It has been just over six months  and a week since I began my cleanse. And I have spent the last month and a half testing myself to see what it would take to put some weight back on my body. This testing is a little sardonic, admittedly. And it took all of this time, with increasingly fewer filters on what I'm eating to gain back five pounds. In one way, it is kind of cool that my body so resisted adding back the weight. In another way, it is a little ridiculous that my emotional body finds it necessary to be so consumptive and abusive to itself.

I also notice my shift in focus from bowel movements (I had three yesterday) to weight. I have talked to a few people recently about this. I naturally reached several plateaus along this journey and after about three weeks would begin dropping again. With this plateau, however, I didn't feel ready to drop to the next place. This place, in pounds, is where I stayed for quite some time the last time I was in a very emotionally unhealthy place in relation to the men in my life. My general relationships are healthier now, but I feel those echoes coming back to me.

What's a girl to do? Well, focusing on weight loss has ever been an answer for me. It is good to remember that. Obviously, I am recognizing my resistance and have awareness. I have this whole time, though, and am still testing my own boundaries. Do I want to live a fully realized life, or do I want to go back and forth a few more times over the next years? Do I want to find another reason to get my energy moving in a good/better/best way?

I may have found one. A reason, that is. My step-dad who I have been developing a better and better relationship with over the last years, invited me to a New Year's Day hike in Sedona. I love hiking and have been way out of practice. He is very practiced, and I want to go and not slow him down too much. What a great excuse to get my body moving! I have been picturing myself going and meeting him for his hikes in Sedona. Then, when he invited me on thanksgiving, I knew this was part of my vision offering itself up to me. Now, I get to let the universe know if I am prepared to take on what I have asked for. It is just 4 1/2 weeks from today. I better get myself moving.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Candida Cleanse Throwback

Like I mentioned, I have been off my cleanse for about a month, basically eating whatever. I like the hiatus for now, and believe I will return to the cleanse after Thanksgiving. I checked my older Candida Cleanse posts just to see where I started. This was my beginning, six months ago:

Candida cleanse

5/27/13 I am one week in to my candida cleanse. Very briefly, candida is a naturally occurring yeast in the intestines. It can get out of balance and start overproducing yeast, which is officially called candidiasis. I have felt for many years that I've had this imbalance and, until now, was unwilling to take the steps to clear it out. The cleanse is very regimented and takes a considerable amount of time.

Week one: this week, for me, has been about getting most of the addictive substances out of my body.    This includes coffee, black tea, alcohol, tobacco, dairy, sugar, gluten, etc. Basically, I've been eating meat, nuts, green veggies and non-sugary fruits like avocado and cucumber. I've been drinking green tea, herbal tea and water with lemon or lime. Like I said, very regimented. The cleanse, depending on who you ask, should include almost nothing that breaks down into sugar. It should also exclude foods prone to mold, or fungi, or fermented things.

Why am I doing this? Like I mentioned, I feel I have had an imbalance for years. There are extensive symptoms lists out there if you want to find them. My symptoms are varied, but a couple of weeks before I chose to do the cleanse it seems they had gotten worse. My bowel movements became even more irregular and funky, as far as consistency and frequency. I started to have a white coat on my tongue in the morning. And I really wasn't feeling well. I had this sensation in my digestive system of gurgling and fermenting, and I was having gas all the time, regardless of what I ate, it seemed. Moreover, it felt like nothing I put in my body food-wise was the right thing. So, this was enough. I was ready to take the plunge.

I'm just trodding through right now, feeling along my path as I go. Some websites say it only takes a couple of weeks to clear this out. When I check in with myself, I believe it takes much longer. I've heard several times that three months is the best amount of time, and a friend I just spoke to recently said three months is the minimum and six months is optimal. We shall see. Time seems to go by so quickly, perhaps six months is like a drop in the hat.

5/31/13 It is now over a week and a half of my candidiasis cleanse. I wanted to post how I start my day.

Wake up


Liver flush-olive oil, juice of one fresh lemon, three to four cloves of garlic. Blend together and swallow. Garlic is one of the best candida fighters. And doing a liver flush is really good idea because the liver has to work pretty hard while the candida is dying off, and you want it to be in optimal condition. I've also substituted the olive oil with coconut oil. The concoction tastes terrible, but coconut oil is another one of the best natural candida fighters.

Then, to end my day, I drink a bentonite clay/psyllium husk shake in water. This is to help clear out the colon so all the stuff I am detoxing has an exit route. I purposely don't drink this shake within an hour of supplements or foods, because it can inhibit absorption of nutrients.

When I decided to do this cleanse, once I made a decision about how to begin and end my day, the middle stuff didn't seem too daunting. The morning and evening are simple, effective and purposeful. I like that.

6/6/13 I was reading this article, as I like to do when cleansing, to keep me motivated. It discussed bowel movements and how people think it's normal to go once per day or every other day or once per week. I've never considered that healthy, but I know it's many people's experience. This article then mentioned it in terms of meals. Think about how long in between bowel movements, and how many meals you've had during that time. That's how much you're carrying around in your intestines. And if your movement is small, then you're still carrying most of it around. So, that's pretty gross. All that stuff just churning and fermenting and rotting in there.

Just some other interesting tidbits: my skin seems to be breaking out a little. Either that or I have some strange bug bites. My throat has been mildly sore for a few days. I'm pretty tired throughout the day with some bursts of energy. I feel some movement and churning in my colon. I'd like to believe this is candida die-off, since this wasn't happening when I first started the cleanse, but it's been happening since being constipated, and I haven't added any foods that might restart symptoms. My food dreams are changing. I'm barely hungry at all. I'm eating mostly functionally. I guess once the food cravings are gone, the body doesn't need as much as we think it does.

6/13/13 I am in the middle of week four of my candida cleanse. Up until I began week four, I still felt like I was beginning. Now I feel like I'm really into something. I'm just noting how I feel. I've been pretty gasy the last few days. I have upped my supplements, but I have also added in some new foods, so I'm not sure if this is candida die-off or if the foods I'm eating are creating a reaction. I tend to think it is die-off. Time will tell. My cycle is beginning soon, so I've been pretty carnivorous and less strict about the quality of food I've been eating in order to keep ahead of my cravings. Once I begin my cycle, I will get a cleaner again.

I was really surprised during week three and the beginning of this week that my cravings came back with a vengeance. I had a rough three days or so last week where I was freaking out about what I couldn't eat.

 I finally feel clearer in my head. I was feeling pretty foggy throughout the day, and now it seems like I'm thinking normally. Perhaps my body has gotten used to its new energy source now.

Overall, I'm optimistic. I'm one third of the way through this. That makes a huge difference in my thinking around it. And food-wise, it will only get easier from here.



Sunday, November 17, 2013

Back Again

Here I am at this place-it seems I remember it pretty clearly. I guess it was only six months ago that I felt this way, and it took merely one month to feel it again.

I feel filled with mucous. I feel energetically heavy and mildly depressed. It feels like my food is fermenting inside my body-I don't know how else to describe it. For one month I have been kind of eating whatever and drinking whatever. I have consistent pain that has been increasingly reaching more and more parts of my body. This is not how I want to feel.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Morning After the Day After

Like I said, two days ago I ate whatever at a company potluck. I was still feeling mentally unfocused and unwell yesterday. It was also a challenge not to eat more of the same. Sugar is a drug. There is no doubt in my body. I know I have heard this from many sources, and I am one to have to experience things myself in order to believe them. Then it usually takes several experiences before I live by my beliefs. My body is still in pain too. I feel it the most in my joints. I didn't realize on my cleanse when I stopped being in pain until I ate this or that that brought it back. And the more consistently I eat this or that, the longer the pain resides.

I am eating whole foods now. I like that a lot. There is more permission in it and sanity as well.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Still candida cleansing?

I haven't posted in a while. The reason for that is that I haven't been sure if I am still candida cleansing. Here is what is going on:

I began taking the Humaworm candida supplement. Halfway through I began actively passing candida from my body. Very exciting.

I then became obsessed with doing a parasite cleanse and a friend of mine offered me one. I found myself too excited to do the parasite cleanse so I stopped the herbal candida supplement and began the herbal parasite cleanse.

Simultaneously, I began reintroducing some "sugars" back into my body on a semi-regular and then regular basis. These included rice, beans, and then some gluten and actual sugar. The gluten and actual sugar have been occasional. Until today.

What is going on now is that I am still taking a parasite supplement. I will finish the candida one when the parasite one is done.  Today at work, though, there was a potluck. Portions-wise I was pretty reasonable but I did consume mostly glutinous foods and some sugar. I feel so disconnected from my body and spacey like I took some cold medicine or something. It does not feel good.

I have been attempting to balance the way I was eating before with what my body seems to be wanting now. In other words, my body does not feel good eating sugar and gluten. That is clear. I have pain in my spine and feet and all throughout. I believe it is from inflammation. I do not, however, want to be so strict with myself right now. A little bit of carbohydrate seems to be working, and with the season change I want some more warming foods.

Decision: my decision is to eat whole, unprocessed foods. I think this combines the best of both worlds for how I am feeling now. I will keep you updated.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Humaworm supplement part 2

I didn't write anything about my Humaworm supplement during the second week because it was pretty boring. Same kind of deal as the first week. The last two days have been more eventful, though. At the end of week two and beginning of week three I've had some break outs in my skin in odd places-my shoulder, chest and one large on one my abdomen. And the last two days I've been passing candida! That's right! It has been coming out in the bowl. What does it look like? Well, it is yellow and floaty and furry looking, I guess. I recognize it from a series of colonics I did where they pointed it out to me. This has been very exciting. I have had to go to the bathroom at some inopportune times, but it has been worth it to get these little buggers out. I'll let you know if there's more movement.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Food obsession

We are a culture obsessed with food. I'm sure this is no surprise. I do not own a television and one night I stayed in a hotel room and watched tv. When watching TV I realized that literally every commercial I saw flip flopped between weight loss and (usually fast) food. No wonder we are so fucked up! How can we get it straight when we are inundated with thoughts of greasy French fries followed by a compulsion to burn off those calories or starve ourselves in retribution for our guilt?

I see this so much when I am around people at work. They think it is commendable to feel guilty about eating a doughnut. I may not have the answers to the universe, but I can tell you we are not here to spend our lives feeling guilty about fried sugar and dough. But how can we enjoy it when we know how bad it is for us and how physically bad it can make us feel and how the TV (and other people) tell us all the time that we should be ashamed of what we put in our bodies? Well, I don't have THE answer to that either. I do have some answers.

One-turn off the television.
Two-eat foods, more often than not, that you buy yourself at the store. These should preferably be things that look like the plant or animal they came from.
Three-read the ingredients. If there is a word you don't understand or some vague ingredient like "natural favors" find another version of that same food that clearly lists the ingredients.

If you do this, without counting calories or carbs or proteins or pounds, for several months, you will feel better. You will look better. Your body will begin to tell you when something doesn't feel right and you will naturally be less likely to want to eat it without beating yourself up on either side of your decision. Just think-"I could spend a few months eating mostly real foods. A mere matter of months out of my life and I could change my entire relationship with food." Not so bad, eh?

What'd ya say?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Humaworm supplement week one

After all this time-four months, actually- I decided to take a supplement called Humaworm for the candida. I came across some other blogs about this supplement and it seems extremely potent. I would say the main reason for taking it now is that I would like to be through with the cleansing and returning to eating normally. I have already begun incorporating things back into my diet gently, but I don't want to just undo everything I did to fight the candida by bringing it back through a little bit of carbohydrate. I would rather feel that it is really out of my system and I can eat anything in moderation without severe consequence. So, here we go...

I received the pills today and took my first dose an hour ago. I feel mildly headachy, which I wasn't before taking the pills. I also feel like my internal temperature is elevated.

Day 2: first day taking full dosage. Had two BMs- one in morning, one in afternoon. Both small. I tried checking out the morning one, and it had some white powdery looking stuff on it, but it was so far into the toilet I couldn't properly examine. Nothing notable about how afternoon one looked.

Day 3: feeling a little crampy this morning. This isn't entirely irregular for me but not the norm either. Hopefully leading to fun BM. Morning BM- small and normal looking but smellier than I'm used to. Ears itching today, along with a lot of gasy activity in my colon.

Day 4: woke up with a BM ready to go . Larger than the last few days. Not sure if because of supplement or because of large number of flax seed snacks I've ingested lately. Either way, happy to be eliminating. Nothing notable about appearance,cmeaning don't see candida being passed. Stinky gas. Sad for my neighbors in yoga class.

Day 5: woke up with a lot of phlegm in my throat. Could be from doing yoga yesterday, getting all the shit in my lungs moving. I have decided the bowel movements yesterday were from flax seed and
 the gas (that I am still having) is from the Humaworm. Didn't have an evening meal yesterday and I still woke up with gas. Mild die-off I think then. Left eye itching all day. Late afternoon BM with nothing notable except flax seeds in it. I guess it is

Day 7: Nothing super noteable again. Eyes suddenly a little itchy. No BM so far today, but I didn't have many flax seeds yesterday or the day before. I did have good BM yesterday full of seeds. Flax is my friend. I have still a little belly rumbling which is not from what I've been eating, so the supplement is working in that way. It's just not evident on the way out yet.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Quick Elimination Guide-Vitamin C

The colon is the end of the elimination process in your body for many systems. If the colon is backed up, it can create some toxicity in the body that is not happy making.

A TEACHER of mine (who is not a doctor) told me about this from her doctor. I am not a doctor either. If you would like to do this, you may want to check with your healthcare professional but it works for me, and is probably why I am having continued success on my cleanse.

Vitamin C to aid constipation: too much vitamin C for someone with normal elimination can create diarrhea. For someone who is constipated, it can soften the stool enough to create regular bowel movements.

How to implement: get a quality vitamin C with few fillers or binders. I prefer capsules, and I've just begun taking the powder mixed with water which I also like. Start with a low dose: maybe 500 mg once per day. Increase your dosage slowly each day until one day you have diarrhea. The next day, back off one dose and that is your daily intake.

I split mine up, and I am taking 3000 mg twice per day. This may seem like a lot, and it is certainly not the dose for everyone, but if you're constipated, the above method could get things moving. I am having regular, large bowel movements at least once per day.

Again, if you have concerns, check with your healthcare professional.


Monday, September 2, 2013

What does it take to cleanse?

I have been thinking recently about what it takes for me to cleanse. Why am I successful sometimes and not others? How do I stop myself from the all or nothing thinking that is so easy to fall into?

The times that I have successfully done a cleanse for the duration that I intended, I needed some real motivation. Motivation, for me, has not been weight loss, as I've mentioned in previous posts. Though, that is what people notice and comment on. Then I tell them about the improvement I've experienced in my digestion and elimination that is really what I was aiming for, and still am. When I did a cleanse last year, I was feeling very toxic, primarily from drinking, and I wanted to flush out so much of the waste in my body in a different way, so I chose a raw food cleanse. Motivation: what is important in your life? What do you want to show up for differently or feel better doing?

Timing is very important. Most of my friends have a lot of consciousness about what they eat, even when they don't eat the greatest things. When I was starting my cleanse, some friends gave me a small speech about how they wished they could start doing this for themselves and there seemed to be some shame about what they continued to eat. I said to them that I had wanted to do a cleanse several times over the last year, started for a day or two and stopped. It was really not the right time for me. It is also tough when you tell people you're starting a program, discover it's not the right time for you, and now those people can become reminders of your "failure." In my mind, you're not failing, it is just not the right time, likely because you haven't found the right motivation or the motivation is not strong enough yet. It is okay. Breathe, and be open to starting again. And maybe only share with people who are supportive and understanding.

Next, for anyone who has been keeping up, you know that I have been doing this cleanse for fifteen weeks and today starts week sixteen. I have not been perfect on it, and I wouldn't necessarily expect myself to be over this long of a time. I give myself leeway with some things that don't feel bad, and some occasions that feel like okay occasions to have a drink or eat a potato or whatever. I check in with how I feel, try not to overdo it, and I make sure that I don't sabotage myself because I ate something outside the "allowed" menu.

Sabotage has been a super-engrained pattern in my life, and I find because I started with a sturdy foundation on this cleanse, I am able to not wreck it all because of one free-eating meal. I also notice there are certain things that make me more likely to follow the crowd or eat something undesirable, so I steer clearer from those things or choose consciously to enter into those situations knowing that I will succumb and it will be alright.

I have been 98% or more on track with this cleanse overall. I think that's pretty damn good. I like that  I have set myself up for success, and every once in a while success includes eating a potato. I have had people say that my way of eating right now is very extreme or they could never do this or whatever. To me, I am eating in a way that is pretty sustainable long-term. I give myself allowances, but not so much that I become re-addicted to the things I've let go (which is a very careful balance). I have let go of several things enough that I can really gauge how I feel when I eat them and why I don't want them to be a regular part of my diet. I found the right timing and the right motivation to start this, and I'm still trucking along.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Diet snapshot

What have I eaten this week?

Liver flush (olive oil, garlic, lemon juice)
Flax seed in water
Homemade salad with homemade dressing
Steak-grass fed cooked at home
Chicken wings (not homemade)
Candida cleanse chocolate shakes

The reason I ask myself this is that I'm feeling like shit-emotionally, physically.

And I'm eating pretty in line with what I have been eating for fifteen weeks now, and actually better than most weeks. So, what the hell?

I am contemplating a shift. I'll get back to you on the details.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Over fourteen weeks

I am midway through my fifteenth week of my candida cleanse.

I am feeling a little ucky. Two days ago I was going to begin another purifying-type diet. That basically means continue what I've been doing without the meat-for just four days. I attempted it and yesterday was the only day I was able to do it. I have been RAVENOUS! I'm not sure why. This is an odd time for me to be so hungry. I have also been having cravings for sugar and wheat and such things. Rather than giving in to those things, I have been eating meat and fats. Better choice, but it is still weird that I'm so hungry.

I have also been tired and bitchy. I haven't had coffee for three days which is good. I have still had some caffeinated tea, and I find that caffeine in general is affecting my mood a lot lately. I decided I wanted to get over the taste of coffee first and then work on the caffeine part of the equation. Perhaps I'll move that up in the schedule so as not to feel so crazy.

I am wondering about all this stuff coming up right now. What is driving it? Is it physiological? Is it emotional? I'm sticking to my guns, though, and driving through it. I've come this far...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Candida cleanse chocolate shake

I've posted this before, but it is worth posting again since it feels like a life saver to me. My candida cleanse chocolate shake:

I start with my Magic Bullet cup (approx. 16 oz).
I fill it half full with unsweetened almond milk
I add 2 tbsp cacao
1 tbsp maca powder
1/2 to 3/4 a packet of stevia
Whatever additional spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, etc
Fill the rest with water and optional ice cubes

Blend and enjoy.

This is such a great recipe for when I am craving something sweet, and it is packed with minerals from the cacao. It is great for when I am on my cycle too because of the magnesium. I am enjoying one now. Mmmm

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The edge

I'm at this place. It is a vital place. I'm on an edge- a personal edge that I have walked along before and have previously skirted back from only to return to my former state.

I no longer want to live in that former state. But I find myself rationalizing and tripping myself up a little now that I've reached this edge. It doesn't help that my hormones are at their most sensitive right  now.

I have come to this place in my body that I could really actually make some enormous changes if I keep along the path I've been on. I am pooping pretty regularly. I have released 50 pounds. I have just begun to sink below my second plateau in this journey, and I notice I'm having thoughts like 'oh, I could just eat this or drink that. Once wont be a problem.' That is true. Once wont be a problem. But how many times will I do it once? And how many ones equal me being uncomfortable and unhappy again? How many ones make me want to feel invisible because of how I feel and how I look?

When I picture myself in my future, I picture a wonderfully health version of me. And wouldn't I like to bring that future sooner? I know I don't want to start THIS journey over again from the beginning. It has been hard and long. And I can do it another three months from where i am much easier than starting over.

I find as I'm writing this, there is a lot of fear in moving forward from here. I don't know exactly why.  Perhaps because I haven't been beyond this in at least six years. Also, there are pieces of what it feels like I'm leaving behind that I'm really fond of. What I'm moving toward seems much more amazing than what I'm leaving behind, but I haven't actually done it yet, so it's all just visualization and intention and desire. Yes, I know how powerful those things ae. Still, I'm scared. I'm scared of getting there and.....and I'll just leave it there. It's the unknown abyss, so how could I even say.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Three months.

Sometimes I don't realize a symptom is gone until it returns.

Today marks the end of 13 weeks since beginning this cleanse. Yesterday I had a little get together and once all but one friend left I decided to have some wine with her. That was my first wine or alcohol of any kind in 13 weeks.  It was fun. I didn't feel bad. I also had some corn chips-after all we spent good money on the food and beverage and so much was left over. Plus, what interesting things would this sugar do to my body?

A few hours after beginning drinking my left heel of my foot started to hurt so bad I couldn't walk on it. I had had plantar fasciitis somewhat mildly for quite some time before this cleanse started and even through most of the beginning of it. I don't actually know when it faded. But with a little bit of sugar last night, it came back full force in one foot and it's still here this morning.

I actually find this kind of experimentation pretty interesting. Like I've mention, I have basically done an elimination diet for myself and when I add stuff in, I can really tell what it creates in me. Potato chips: migraine headache. Sugary wine: inflammation. Caesar dressing: extreme phlegm. Chicken wings: almost no reaction.

I'm still going onward. Moments like last night are not really setbacks in my mind. They are educational experiences that will help me make informed decisions in the future.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weird week

I just have a quick update today, nothing too fancy. The latter part of this week I have been craving gluten and wheat, seriously. It seems like the easiest thing in the world to just have a cookie or piece of bread or a bun on my hot dog. And this has come out of seemingly nowhere. I haven't been eating these things for eleven weeks and now my body is asking for them. I say no.

I'm not sure if this craving is physical or mental or both. Just now I wanted pizza pretty badly. I have noted that I'm at the place weight-wise that is the lowest I have been in the last few years give or take a couple pounds. And what has happened at the times when my weight got here before is that I would then start eating everything and zoom back up to ten or fifteen pounds higher. I am breaking this cycle this time through. And, I think, this is the place where I really can start to let things go if I am able to bust through this place.

We shall see. Cheers!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In the 11th week

This is quite a feat. I have been on this cleanse for over ten weeks now. I feel good about food. Wow. That's quite a statement for me. I feel good about food.

I decided I wanted to do a little clean up this week. I had been eating some dairy and quite a lot of meat. Both were fine; meat is part of the cleanse and dairy is not, but I didn't experience any resurgence of symptoms. I kept thinking, however, of doing a juice fast but that wasn't quite the right choice for me. I decided to do just veggies for a few days.

Yesterday, today, and at least tomorrow (maybe longer if I'm feeling it) I'm doing a liver flush in the morning and some flax seed, a vegetable and sunflower seed salad for lunch and juice in the evening. I've been having a lot of gas and bloating actually. Like I mentioned before, I'm back on the anti fungal supplements so perhaps the combo is killing off more predators.

My bowel movements (my ever-faithful gauge) have changed again. They have been daily, which is different, but they've also been hard and small. It could be because of the large amount of meat I ate before this clean-up. I'm happy things are moving though, even if it is slowly.

Speaking of, I think I have one coming on now. Alright, I'll check back later!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Today I'm just writing because I have written in a little while. I wanted to check in with me and you about where I am in this cleanse.

First, I had forgotten what week I was on. That's a good sign because it means I'm not counting down the days until it's over. I feel like I've gotten into a groove here and can stick it out for a while. I did check the calendar, though. Tomorrow ends week ten.

I feel like I'm eating "normally" right now. I guess what that means to me is I'm not doing anything super strict with myself. I have some dairy here and there, I feel like I can eat out at a restaurant with no problem, but I basically just don't want any sugar or wheat or corn or any of that stuff that helps perpetuate addictive food behaviors. I even had some curried chicken yesterday and I could feel there was something addictive in it, so I tossed the rest away.

If you've been keeping up, you know I was constipated for a while on this cleanse. That's improving. My bowel movements are becoming more regular. I've been having gas these last few days actually, which I hadn't been having almost at all this whole time. I think that may be from the super fibrous coconut cookies I made (see previous post for recipe). Apparently coconut flour is filled with fiber.

As far as the hydrogen peroxide portion, I got to 25 drops three times a day. Then I took a few days off simply because my body seemed extremely disinterested in it. Then the last three days I've had one glass of water with 25 drops just in the mornings.

While building up with the H2O2 I had taken a break from my antifungals and whatnot. I started taking those again a few days ago as well as vitamin C and continuing with vitamin E.

After my three week weight plateau, I've dropped almost ten pounds in the last week and a half.

Those are my stats for now. From talking to a friend who has some familiarity with this type of cleansing, I have my eye set on the three month mark. Apparently that's around the time a lot of changes start to take place. Like I said, I feel like I'm in the flow of it, so I look forward to keeping going and seeing what my body is willing to let go of. I'm hoping it is willing to let go of years of accumulated shit, both physical and emotional. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I created another candida-cleanse friendly recipe and it's packed with nutrients: raw cookies

Again, sorry I don't use measurements. It is all to eye and taste

Coconut flour
Maca powder
Cacao powder
Macadamia nuts
Stevia powder to taste

Mix all dry ingredients evenly

Coconut oil
Raw almond butter

Mix in wet ingredients-the amount of each you use depends on taste.

After all mixed, it should be wet enough to roll into balls.

Roll into balls. Put in dehydrator on low overnight. Then refrigerate.


Of course you can add whatever spices you like. Eat and enjoy.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Saturdays, lately, seem to be for recovering from some bad choice I made Friday night. Two weeks ago I wrote how I felt hung over from eating a large meal right before bed.

Last Friday night I chose to experimentally eat a bag of potato chips to see how I would feel. Ultimately, they resulted in a migraine by Saturday evening.

What did I do last night? Well, I decided to do an enema. That's fairly normal for me. I chose to do one with hydrogen peroxide. I did that one other day recently with no trouble. After all, I am drinking the stuff. It appears I did not dilute it enough. I experienced some mild burning. Then I added significantly more water and finished the enema-better to flush it than let it sit in the colon at that concentration. Then I did a bag of pure water.

Immediately, I had some bowel release. Again, pretty normal. Then I had some cramping and diarrhea-like release with tinges of blood. Wait a minute. This isn't right. At some point, this lessened. I went about my evening as usual. I can't recall if I had any other issues before going to bed.

I woke up sometime in the night. Almost immediately, I had to shit. I could also feel all the waste backed up in my colon. It was interesting. I went to the bathroom, had some more soft passing of matter along with blood and some severe cramping.

I cycled through this several times in the night. Interestingly, rather than feeling like I couldn't go back to sleep, I fell right back into slumber each time, including the time I chose to sleep on the bathroom floor on a pile of clothes in case another wave hit me quickly. These cycles felt like they were working on my nervous system releasing even with the excruciating discomfort and passing of blood. There's something about dislodging shit of any kind that's been stuck in one place too long.

After the second cycle which happened at 3am I did call out of work for saturday. I couldn't imagine trying to give massages and run to the bathroom in the middle and lie on the floor for comfort. And I wasn't sure how long this would last. Upon waking, I have done some google research, including some medical articles. There is nothing to indicate a trip to the doctor would be helpful. All articles say there is nothing the doctor can do, it will resolve on its own and don't do I again. I hear that. Also, be gentle on your digestive system afterward. No problem.

I have had a few small incidents this morning, mostly with cramping. I'm going to stay close to home today, wear a pad and be kind to myself. I feel much better already. And my beautiful animals took good care of me last night. Love them.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Where did this all begin?

I may have mentioned in previous posts how candida may proliferate for others, but I don't think I've talked too much about how it proliferated for me.

This is mere speculation based on reading a lot of different viewpoints and finding the ones that feel truest for me. I have taken antibiotics, though not as much as many out the. My parents didn't believe in antibiotics for colds and whatnot. I remember as an adult three specific times I took them-once for bronchitis and twice for vaginitis. Antibiotics can add to the candidiasis because they kill off our good gut flora that keeps candida in check.

The main article I read that struck home for me said if the gut flora is out of balance and there is too much food in the digestive tract, the food will sit there and ferment. This will feed candida. I think about the nights after nights of eating potato chips and drinking beer and how much stuff has just sat in my intestines, not really moving. Sugary sweet things were not usually my biggest craving. Starches and yeasts were, though.

I don't really miss sugar. I have a mental craving sometimes, but then it passes. The craving to over eat is still there. I believe that's the piece I need to pay attention to if I want long term lifelong success with this cleanse.

I have a lot of people say they're surprised I've done it this long and still have more to go. They can't believe it takes months to work through this. I respond that if taking a few months to correct years of imbalance is required, I'm up to the challenge. I started on 5/20 and it is 7/19. That's pretty good. And I think I feel another bowel movement coming on....

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bowel movements

My body has decided to celebrate completing eight weeks and still going with bowel movements. This is what I have been waiting for.

If you've been reading this, you know my primary motivator for doing a candida cleanse has been constipation. Going days between bowel movements was, sadly, normal for me. I realized that was not optimally how a body is supposed to work and finally got down to business with this cleanse to get on track.

The last day of my eighth week, my body quickly and easily released a sixteen inch long and solid bowel movement. It was so exciting I almost shit myself (haha). Since then I've had two more bowel movements that have been pretty significant. They havent been as uniform as that sixteen incher, but clearly there's some important stuff being released. This makes me so excited to see the progress my body is making.

Just to remind you all, my current protocol has been meat and veggies, H2O2 therapy (I'm at 24 drops per serving right now), probiotics and vitamin E. this is while I finish up the hydro peroxide therapy and then I may go back to antifungals. I like what my body is doing right now, though. It's a thrill a minute!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Candida's personality

Earlier today I was imagining what Candida's personality is. I compared it to that friend you spend time with who always brings out your worst vices and sides of your personality that normally stay at bay but all come out at once when you spend time with that friend. And really, you spend time with them because you want to engage in those activities-you're not quite ready to let them go-but you hate that side of yourself.

Candida has an addictive personality.

Candida has low self esteem, or perhaps self loathing.

Candida loves engaging in all those things that make you feel like shit the next day.

Candida carries a dark cloak.

Candida is really fun, for a few minutes or hours. Then you don't want to see it again for a really long time, but inevitably when it calls you, you answer and agree to meet it.

Candida gives you terrible advice but in the moment the advice comes, it sounds perfectly reasonable in its extreme-ness.

Candida spirals out of control and takes those around it with it.

Candida is self-centered.

Candida is self-destructive.

If you cry and call candida, rather than listening, candida invites you to go out to get wasted and then spends the whole time out trying to find people to take home.

Candida sounds a lot like some of the people I spent time with a decade ago and wouldn't hang out with today. But interestingly, candida is still seductive.

This may seem silly or ridiculous, but these are the experiences I've had with some foods and drinks that promote this overgrowth. And the longer I'm on this cleanse, the more I recognize folks seduced by candida. I see people begin their day with a normal level of energy and then eat loads of sugar, crash, and wake up to get high on the sugar again. I see the same with wheat. Every person I know who's cleansed themselves, even for a short while, from these ingredients, gets cranky, moody, bitchy, achy and wants to go back. Usually they go back fairly quickly. It's often a secret too. We don't tell our other friends how much time we spent with candida. We don't talk about the sugary breakfast followed by the sugary coffee followed by the alcohol each and every night. We don't know they're hanging out with candida too behind our backs.

I have no judgement towards all of Candida's friends. I am just now getting the courage to say that I don't want to spend time with anyone like Candida.The side of me that wants vitality is getting stronger. The side of me that is genuinely not interested in waking up with headaches and mood swings is getting stronger than the part of me that wants instant short-lived gratification.

I am not out of the woods yet. I am eight weeks into my cleanse and I could certainly tighten things up a bit for better results. I do, however, have a much clearer sense of what is doing what to my body and my experience-what foods affect my mood, my pain levels, my energy levels and my overall sense of wellness. I'm keeping my radar up. I'm listening. I choosing me for right now. My emotions are growing up.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What is up with weight?

One of my jobs is in an office. With regular folk. When I say regular, I mean not the energy loving, chakra balancing, frequency listening, meditating, yoga-doing, nutrition-aware people that I've been around for the last six years. It's a change. When I started this cleanse over six weeks ago, I let my office mates know so they wouldn't ask me daily if I wanted partake in the eating out and office treats that often go hand in hand with office spaces. They sort of got it, I think. Their perspective, however, seems to come strongly from a place of weight. One person in particular still seems to think I'm on a diet I order to lose weight, and she'll still ask me if I want a slice of cake or a piece of pizza. I want to get mad about it, but I also understand she doesn't really get what I'm doing.

Weight, though, is a thing. It's a subject I'm sensitive to because I think of excess weight, particularly my own, as a symptom of other things. There are nutritional, emotional, societal, hormonal attachments being held there and it is a tangled web to unravel. I feel this cleanse is a huge thing for me in addressing some of these attachments. I also think that because weight is a symptom, the releasing of excess weight is a sign of moving toward success.

Before I began this cleanse, I was heavier than I've been in my life. That was not my motivator, though. It hasn't been a good motivator for me for a decade. When I try simply to lose weight, I yo yo a lot with my thoughts, foods, and ultimately my weight. There were other bodily things going on that felt unsafe for me and I wanted to move past them. That was my motivator. Still, I have released some weight-30 pounds as of now. Interestingly, the weight still fluctuates even when I feel steadfast. My emotions also fluctuate. There's nothing like releasing a few pounds to make one feel a boost of confidence, and nothing like wearing a swimsuit in a crowd to question the confidence again.

So, what am I saying here? Weight is a thing. It's a big thing, and it's in our faces all the time even if we don't watch the celebrity news or read gossip rags. I actually wonder, when it begins to significantly drop, what will come up for me. I'm disrupting my web of compensation and I don't know what is hidden underneath. I'm sure you'll hear about it, though.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hung over

I believe I've mentioned that this process of cleansing has some benefits like an elimination diet. I've removed so many things that when I add something back in, it is pretty clear what that item does to me or how it makes me feel. I am my own science experiment.

I woke up today feeling hung over. Though I've been wanting a drink this whole Fourth of July weekend, I have not had one. I did have a large meal last night about an hour before bed. It consisted of cilantro jalapeño hummus (my first time eating beans since I started), babaganoosh and chicken from Pita Jungle. I found I wasn't actually into the taste of the hummus(which I used to love) and it seems like this was the first time I really stuffed myself in almost six weeks. My liver could feel it when I woke up.

One article I read about candida was saying that it forms from fermenting sugars in the digestive tract, which primarily come from food sitting in the intestines undigested. This can be from a variety of reasons, but one reason is definitely eating more than your body can break down in one sitting. I feel that today. I feel the tax on my liver. I feel the food still sitting in my body from ten hours ago. I also felt and feel the discomfort of eating a lot of proteins with carbohydrates.

Interestingly, I used to make this choice every meal-to over consume and feel pretty terrible. And there was no particular food I had that was "bad" for me last night. It was a combination of less than desirable circumstances of eating-too much, too late, not the best things to eat together-and again I get a picture of how candida has been able to flourish in my body for these years.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


5:00 am- 2 drops H2O2 in one quart distiller water

6:15 am liver flush and one tablespoon mulled flax seed in water

9:00 am spoonful almond butter

11:00 am 2 drops H2O2 in pint distiller water

12:30 salad with zucchini, rutabaga, onion, cilantro, cayenne, salt

5:15 pm 2 drops H2O2 in quart distiller water

This is an interesting process because the hydrogen peroxide can't be taken with food in the system. I have to plan it between meals carefully. Thankfully, cleansing is all about being prepared amyway, so I've gotten used to it.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

To eat or not to eat

I am nearly at the end of week six.......I'd like to honor that for myself. 

Then..I have been in physical pain this past week. My back, on either side of my spine, has been hurting. Also, my neck, shoulders and scalp hurt. It is possible the pain is coming from my desk job and poor posture. I have been there for months, though, and I'm just now feeling this. It is also possible this pain is associated with my cleanse. I started feeling it after I got a massage a week ago. I've been getting massage regularly and this wasn't especially deep, so I was intrigued that I started feeling sore afterward. That's what this is, i guess-soreness. It could be from drinking coffee too. I'm unsure.

My response to this pain is the reason I am writing this now. I want to eat something, anything, that is not a part of this cleanse. Or have a drink. In other words, I want to use food or beverage to sidestep my discomfort. Now, isn't that how we got here in the first place, Shannon? 

I started googling what happens if one cheats on the cleanse. The answer, really, is it takes a day or two to get the candida back under control.  My concern, however, is that a little cheat could lead to a lot of cheat. I don't know if having one meal "off the menu" would lead me to more and more. That's not a cycle I'm interested in restarting. I'm already doing that with coffee and tobacco. I'm so close to two months, and I'm feeling pretty proud of how far I've come. 

I think I'm going off topic here. Really, it's important for me to notice and recognize that when I'm uncomfortable in a new way, my response is to put something in my body that will help me to forget about it for a little while. 20 minutes of pleasure can lead to days of discomfort. 20 minutes of pleasure repeated several times a day over time leads to years of discomfort and disease. I haven't decided what I will be eating tonight. I do like noticing how shit gets so messed up in the first place. 

Phase II

I have gotten clearer on what phase 2 looks like. I posted earlier that I will be incorporating hydrogen peroxide as part of my cleanse. I ordered some online and it will be delivered Tuesday-ish. I will be following the standard protocol that I've seen online which is one drop three times per day, two drops three times per day and so on until I reach 25 drops three times per day. I posted a link in an earlier blog if you want details.

I will also be doing, for the next two weeks, Dr. Randolph Stone's purifying diet. I have gotten a little lost in food choices and still am unclear whether my fluctuating symptoms are from things I'm eating or die off. On the purifying diet, there will be no question. It includes a liver flush which I've been doing, tea, fresh veggies and sparse amounts of seeds. It is meant to purify-duh-the body and one is supposed to be on it until symptoms are gone. I intend to keep a specific and detailed journal here while I'm on these two things.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hydro peroxide cleanse

This is going to be my next step in my cleanse:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Quick thought

One thing I've realized since cleansing is that eating right before bed is not the greatest. Before the cleanse, I stuffed myself before bed all the time. Now, I'm rarely eating a large meal before bed, or much of anything at night, so when I do I feel the difference. It is harder to go to sleep, it is harder to sleep through the night, and when I wake up, my digestion feels unsettled and incomplete. I don't like having yesterday's food still going through my system when I wake up.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Onion ring recipe

Still coming up with some recipes to adventure outward during my candida cleansing. Here's my most recent creation. This recipe is also raw for any raw foodies out there:

Onion rings

Raw onions, sliced into rings

Soaked sunflower seeds
Raw garlic cloves
Lemon juice
Spices (I used salt, paprika, garlic powder, mustard seed)

Put all batter ingredients into your food processor with some water and pulse until a hummus type texture. True, I don't measure these things. I do it all to taste. Therefore, it's good to start with a little water and add as you go. If it's too runny it won't stick to the onions.

Once blended into a nice texture, dip your raw onion rings into the batter and set in your food dehydrator on low for several hours. Mine are still going a little longer, but it has been about four hours on low and they're close to done.

My friend had an idea that the onion rings could be cooked too. I don't know how well the batter would stay othe onions, but it's worth a try.

They're gooood

Friday, June 21, 2013

My successes

I'm nearly at the end of week five and I'd like to mark my successes:

I have been 100% gluten and dairy free
I have been about 97% yeast, corn, sugar free. The exceptions were things I ate that I assumed were free of these things and found out later it wasn't true. It's amazing what companies will put in our food that you would never guess. To truly eat cleanly, you pretty much have to make everything from scratch at home
I have been about 80-85% tobacco and coffee free. This week has been my exception, so one week out of five, and considerably less use on a daily basis than before

I believe I have completed my version of phase one which morphed into "getting myself out of the unconscious habit of doing and eating things that are adversely affecting my life, health and how I feel."

Tomorrow I shall begin phase two. Phase two shall be called "do whatever it takes to get that colon moving naturally and on its own." I have already been taking supplements. I have been taking Colon Guard which includes caprylic acid, and I have been taking grapefruit seed extract. I have also sporadically been taking psyllium husk/bentonite clay and flax seed. It's been sporadic because I'm not sure if the fiber's been backing me up more or not. I'm getting a new probiotic today as well as many veggies and whatever fibrous goodies I can get my hands on. I would also like to start taking enzymes, which I have not included in this cleanse so far. I'm still open to eating meat, but probably considerably less beef than before. I know beef can back a person up too.

Ready, set, continue!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today in the cleanse

Today is day number 31 of my candida cleanse. I'm having an interesting experience today and yesterday afternoon. Just like most of my symptomology, it's hard to know if its being caused by die-off or something else. My symptoms have generally gotten worse, meaning the things that got me on the cleanse in the first place are exacerbated. I do believe this is from die-off (when candida begins to die and starts to release even more toxicity in the body).

The new and interesting development is some very watery diarrhea. Over the weekend (three days ago) I did a couple of salt water flushes which can cause this, but usually the water goes through within a few hours. I've done salt water flushes before and don't recall the water waiting for days before making its way out. It's been to the point a couple of times that I want sure if it would wait until I got to the bathroom. Thankfully, it has so far.

So, die-off or something else? That's the ongoing question. With this cleanse I have to keep breathing, having some faith and reminding myself I'm doing this for overall better health. It takes time.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Candida cleanse hummus

Here's a raw hummus recipes I came up with to suit my candida cleanse:

One half raw zucchini
3/4 cup soaked pumpkin seeds
Raw garlic 1-4 cloves
Raw onion to taste
Juice of one lemon
Falafel seasoning
Mixed up in food processor.

You can dip celery sticks, cucumber or flax/veggie crackers in the hummus for a delicious snack

Beginning of week five

Today is the first day of week five of my candida cleanse. Admittedly, this past week has been less of a “cleanse” and more of a “I’m just not going to eat sugar or yeast or gluten or dairy.” I have had three cups of coffee, total. This is not a cleanse-ruiner, though it is preferable to not have significant caffeine. I have also smoked a total of three cigarettes. Again, this does not have a significant impact on candida, just on general health. I have also had some fried sauce-free meats.
So, what is up this week? I feel as though I have begun to move into an emotional portion of the cleanse due to a variety of reasons. Because of this, I have been beckoning some of my vices back to me. I’m sticking to the ones that don’t feed the candida even if they’re not super “clean.” I was discussing this cleanse with a friend and she said from her own experience that it’s important to not be so strict with yourself. It’s such a strict food plan already, sometimes it’s less stressful to allow for some things you desire without completely backtracking or giving up.
That is what I’ve done this week. I have been more permissive with myself. When I am feeling better, I will get back to the much cleaner eating and actually feel satisfied with it. This is a marathon, not a sprint. And sometimes it’s okay to slow down, catch my breath, walk for a mile or two before getting back into the groove and jogging pace.

Candida Cleanse

I began these blog posts elsewhere, but I'd like them to have their own blog spot, so I'm copying them over:

I am one week in to my candida cleanse. Very briefly, candida is a naturally occurring yeast in the intestines. It can get out of balance and start overproducing yeast, which is officially called candidiasis. I have felt for many years that I've had this imbalance and, until now, was unwilling to take the steps to clear it out. The cleanse is very regimented and takes a considerable amount of time.

Week one: this week, for me, has been about getting most of the addictive substances out of my body.    This includes coffee, black tea, alcohol, tobacco, dairy, sugar, gluten, etc. Basically, I've been eating meat, nuts, green veggies and non-sugary fruits like avocado and cucumber. I've been drinking green tea, herbal tea and water with lemon or lime. Like I said, very regimented. The cleanse, depending on who you ask, should include almost nothing that breaks down into sugar. It should also exclude foods prone to mold, or fungi, or fermented things.

Why am I doing this? Like I mentioned, I feel I have had an imbalance for years. There are extensive symptoms lists out there if you want to find them. My symptoms are varied, but a couple of weeks before I chose to do the cleanse it seems they had gotten worse. My bowel movements became even more irregular and funky, as far as consistency and frequency. I started to have a white coat on my tongue in the morning. And I really wasn't feeling well. I had this sensation in my digestive system of gurgling and fermenting, and I was having gas all the time, regardless of what I ate, it seemed. Moreover, it felt like nothing I put in my body food-wise was the right thing. So, this was enough. I was ready to take the plunge.

I'm just trodding through right now, feeling along my path as I go. Some websites say it only takes a couple of weeks to clear this out. When I check in with myself, I believe it takes much longer. I've heard several times that three months is the best amount of time, and a friend I just spoke to recently said three months is the minimum and six months is optimal. We shall see. Time seems to go by so quickly, perhaps six months is like a drop in the hat.