Saturday, June 29, 2013

To eat or not to eat

I am nearly at the end of week six.......I'd like to honor that for myself. 

Then..I have been in physical pain this past week. My back, on either side of my spine, has been hurting. Also, my neck, shoulders and scalp hurt. It is possible the pain is coming from my desk job and poor posture. I have been there for months, though, and I'm just now feeling this. It is also possible this pain is associated with my cleanse. I started feeling it after I got a massage a week ago. I've been getting massage regularly and this wasn't especially deep, so I was intrigued that I started feeling sore afterward. That's what this is, i guess-soreness. It could be from drinking coffee too. I'm unsure.

My response to this pain is the reason I am writing this now. I want to eat something, anything, that is not a part of this cleanse. Or have a drink. In other words, I want to use food or beverage to sidestep my discomfort. Now, isn't that how we got here in the first place, Shannon? 

I started googling what happens if one cheats on the cleanse. The answer, really, is it takes a day or two to get the candida back under control.  My concern, however, is that a little cheat could lead to a lot of cheat. I don't know if having one meal "off the menu" would lead me to more and more. That's not a cycle I'm interested in restarting. I'm already doing that with coffee and tobacco. I'm so close to two months, and I'm feeling pretty proud of how far I've come. 

I think I'm going off topic here. Really, it's important for me to notice and recognize that when I'm uncomfortable in a new way, my response is to put something in my body that will help me to forget about it for a little while. 20 minutes of pleasure can lead to days of discomfort. 20 minutes of pleasure repeated several times a day over time leads to years of discomfort and disease. I haven't decided what I will be eating tonight. I do like noticing how shit gets so messed up in the first place. 

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