Saturday, July 20, 2013


Saturdays, lately, seem to be for recovering from some bad choice I made Friday night. Two weeks ago I wrote how I felt hung over from eating a large meal right before bed.

Last Friday night I chose to experimentally eat a bag of potato chips to see how I would feel. Ultimately, they resulted in a migraine by Saturday evening.

What did I do last night? Well, I decided to do an enema. That's fairly normal for me. I chose to do one with hydrogen peroxide. I did that one other day recently with no trouble. After all, I am drinking the stuff. It appears I did not dilute it enough. I experienced some mild burning. Then I added significantly more water and finished the enema-better to flush it than let it sit in the colon at that concentration. Then I did a bag of pure water.

Immediately, I had some bowel release. Again, pretty normal. Then I had some cramping and diarrhea-like release with tinges of blood. Wait a minute. This isn't right. At some point, this lessened. I went about my evening as usual. I can't recall if I had any other issues before going to bed.

I woke up sometime in the night. Almost immediately, I had to shit. I could also feel all the waste backed up in my colon. It was interesting. I went to the bathroom, had some more soft passing of matter along with blood and some severe cramping.

I cycled through this several times in the night. Interestingly, rather than feeling like I couldn't go back to sleep, I fell right back into slumber each time, including the time I chose to sleep on the bathroom floor on a pile of clothes in case another wave hit me quickly. These cycles felt like they were working on my nervous system releasing even with the excruciating discomfort and passing of blood. There's something about dislodging shit of any kind that's been stuck in one place too long.

After the second cycle which happened at 3am I did call out of work for saturday. I couldn't imagine trying to give massages and run to the bathroom in the middle and lie on the floor for comfort. And I wasn't sure how long this would last. Upon waking, I have done some google research, including some medical articles. There is nothing to indicate a trip to the doctor would be helpful. All articles say there is nothing the doctor can do, it will resolve on its own and don't do I again. I hear that. Also, be gentle on your digestive system afterward. No problem.

I have had a few small incidents this morning, mostly with cramping. I'm going to stay close to home today, wear a pad and be kind to myself. I feel much better already. And my beautiful animals took good care of me last night. Love them.

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