Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hung over

I believe I've mentioned that this process of cleansing has some benefits like an elimination diet. I've removed so many things that when I add something back in, it is pretty clear what that item does to me or how it makes me feel. I am my own science experiment.

I woke up today feeling hung over. Though I've been wanting a drink this whole Fourth of July weekend, I have not had one. I did have a large meal last night about an hour before bed. It consisted of cilantro jalapeƱo hummus (my first time eating beans since I started), babaganoosh and chicken from Pita Jungle. I found I wasn't actually into the taste of the hummus(which I used to love) and it seems like this was the first time I really stuffed myself in almost six weeks. My liver could feel it when I woke up.

One article I read about candida was saying that it forms from fermenting sugars in the digestive tract, which primarily come from food sitting in the intestines undigested. This can be from a variety of reasons, but one reason is definitely eating more than your body can break down in one sitting. I feel that today. I feel the tax on my liver. I feel the food still sitting in my body from ten hours ago. I also felt and feel the discomfort of eating a lot of proteins with carbohydrates.

Interestingly, I used to make this choice every meal-to over consume and feel pretty terrible. And there was no particular food I had that was "bad" for me last night. It was a combination of less than desirable circumstances of eating-too much, too late, not the best things to eat together-and again I get a picture of how candida has been able to flourish in my body for these years.

1 comment:

  1. Part II. Last night I had potato chips. I thought I wanted them due to some pre menstrual craving. I haven't had any in seven, almost eight weeks. I got a pretty large bag and by the time I was eating them I didn't really want them but decided to eat them anyway. I figured it would be another interesting experiment in food. I ate the whole bag. Blech. They were way too salty and waking up this morning, I have a headache, I feel drunk and I don't want to get out of bed. This is incredibly uncomfortable. It's so interesting these things that affect my liver and mood and digestion that I just did as part of my normal daily habit before.
