Saturday, July 27, 2013


Today I'm just writing because I have written in a little while. I wanted to check in with me and you about where I am in this cleanse.

First, I had forgotten what week I was on. That's a good sign because it means I'm not counting down the days until it's over. I feel like I've gotten into a groove here and can stick it out for a while. I did check the calendar, though. Tomorrow ends week ten.

I feel like I'm eating "normally" right now. I guess what that means to me is I'm not doing anything super strict with myself. I have some dairy here and there, I feel like I can eat out at a restaurant with no problem, but I basically just don't want any sugar or wheat or corn or any of that stuff that helps perpetuate addictive food behaviors. I even had some curried chicken yesterday and I could feel there was something addictive in it, so I tossed the rest away.

If you've been keeping up, you know I was constipated for a while on this cleanse. That's improving. My bowel movements are becoming more regular. I've been having gas these last few days actually, which I hadn't been having almost at all this whole time. I think that may be from the super fibrous coconut cookies I made (see previous post for recipe). Apparently coconut flour is filled with fiber.

As far as the hydrogen peroxide portion, I got to 25 drops three times a day. Then I took a few days off simply because my body seemed extremely disinterested in it. Then the last three days I've had one glass of water with 25 drops just in the mornings.

While building up with the H2O2 I had taken a break from my antifungals and whatnot. I started taking those again a few days ago as well as vitamin C and continuing with vitamin E.

After my three week weight plateau, I've dropped almost ten pounds in the last week and a half.

Those are my stats for now. From talking to a friend who has some familiarity with this type of cleansing, I have my eye set on the three month mark. Apparently that's around the time a lot of changes start to take place. Like I said, I feel like I'm in the flow of it, so I look forward to keeping going and seeing what my body is willing to let go of. I'm hoping it is willing to let go of years of accumulated shit, both physical and emotional. Cheers!

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