Monday, September 23, 2013

Humaworm supplement week one

After all this time-four months, actually- I decided to take a supplement called Humaworm for the candida. I came across some other blogs about this supplement and it seems extremely potent. I would say the main reason for taking it now is that I would like to be through with the cleansing and returning to eating normally. I have already begun incorporating things back into my diet gently, but I don't want to just undo everything I did to fight the candida by bringing it back through a little bit of carbohydrate. I would rather feel that it is really out of my system and I can eat anything in moderation without severe consequence. So, here we go...

I received the pills today and took my first dose an hour ago. I feel mildly headachy, which I wasn't before taking the pills. I also feel like my internal temperature is elevated.

Day 2: first day taking full dosage. Had two BMs- one in morning, one in afternoon. Both small. I tried checking out the morning one, and it had some white powdery looking stuff on it, but it was so far into the toilet I couldn't properly examine. Nothing notable about how afternoon one looked.

Day 3: feeling a little crampy this morning. This isn't entirely irregular for me but not the norm either. Hopefully leading to fun BM. Morning BM- small and normal looking but smellier than I'm used to. Ears itching today, along with a lot of gasy activity in my colon.

Day 4: woke up with a BM ready to go . Larger than the last few days. Not sure if because of supplement or because of large number of flax seed snacks I've ingested lately. Either way, happy to be eliminating. Nothing notable about appearance,cmeaning don't see candida being passed. Stinky gas. Sad for my neighbors in yoga class.

Day 5: woke up with a lot of phlegm in my throat. Could be from doing yoga yesterday, getting all the shit in my lungs moving. I have decided the bowel movements yesterday were from flax seed and
 the gas (that I am still having) is from the Humaworm. Didn't have an evening meal yesterday and I still woke up with gas. Mild die-off I think then. Left eye itching all day. Late afternoon BM with nothing notable except flax seeds in it. I guess it is

Day 7: Nothing super noteable again. Eyes suddenly a little itchy. No BM so far today, but I didn't have many flax seeds yesterday or the day before. I did have good BM yesterday full of seeds. Flax is my friend. I have still a little belly rumbling which is not from what I've been eating, so the supplement is working in that way. It's just not evident on the way out yet.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Quick Elimination Guide-Vitamin C

The colon is the end of the elimination process in your body for many systems. If the colon is backed up, it can create some toxicity in the body that is not happy making.

A TEACHER of mine (who is not a doctor) told me about this from her doctor. I am not a doctor either. If you would like to do this, you may want to check with your healthcare professional but it works for me, and is probably why I am having continued success on my cleanse.

Vitamin C to aid constipation: too much vitamin C for someone with normal elimination can create diarrhea. For someone who is constipated, it can soften the stool enough to create regular bowel movements.

How to implement: get a quality vitamin C with few fillers or binders. I prefer capsules, and I've just begun taking the powder mixed with water which I also like. Start with a low dose: maybe 500 mg once per day. Increase your dosage slowly each day until one day you have diarrhea. The next day, back off one dose and that is your daily intake.

I split mine up, and I am taking 3000 mg twice per day. This may seem like a lot, and it is certainly not the dose for everyone, but if you're constipated, the above method could get things moving. I am having regular, large bowel movements at least once per day.

Again, if you have concerns, check with your healthcare professional.


Monday, September 2, 2013

What does it take to cleanse?

I have been thinking recently about what it takes for me to cleanse. Why am I successful sometimes and not others? How do I stop myself from the all or nothing thinking that is so easy to fall into?

The times that I have successfully done a cleanse for the duration that I intended, I needed some real motivation. Motivation, for me, has not been weight loss, as I've mentioned in previous posts. Though, that is what people notice and comment on. Then I tell them about the improvement I've experienced in my digestion and elimination that is really what I was aiming for, and still am. When I did a cleanse last year, I was feeling very toxic, primarily from drinking, and I wanted to flush out so much of the waste in my body in a different way, so I chose a raw food cleanse. Motivation: what is important in your life? What do you want to show up for differently or feel better doing?

Timing is very important. Most of my friends have a lot of consciousness about what they eat, even when they don't eat the greatest things. When I was starting my cleanse, some friends gave me a small speech about how they wished they could start doing this for themselves and there seemed to be some shame about what they continued to eat. I said to them that I had wanted to do a cleanse several times over the last year, started for a day or two and stopped. It was really not the right time for me. It is also tough when you tell people you're starting a program, discover it's not the right time for you, and now those people can become reminders of your "failure." In my mind, you're not failing, it is just not the right time, likely because you haven't found the right motivation or the motivation is not strong enough yet. It is okay. Breathe, and be open to starting again. And maybe only share with people who are supportive and understanding.

Next, for anyone who has been keeping up, you know that I have been doing this cleanse for fifteen weeks and today starts week sixteen. I have not been perfect on it, and I wouldn't necessarily expect myself to be over this long of a time. I give myself leeway with some things that don't feel bad, and some occasions that feel like okay occasions to have a drink or eat a potato or whatever. I check in with how I feel, try not to overdo it, and I make sure that I don't sabotage myself because I ate something outside the "allowed" menu.

Sabotage has been a super-engrained pattern in my life, and I find because I started with a sturdy foundation on this cleanse, I am able to not wreck it all because of one free-eating meal. I also notice there are certain things that make me more likely to follow the crowd or eat something undesirable, so I steer clearer from those things or choose consciously to enter into those situations knowing that I will succumb and it will be alright.

I have been 98% or more on track with this cleanse overall. I think that's pretty damn good. I like that  I have set myself up for success, and every once in a while success includes eating a potato. I have had people say that my way of eating right now is very extreme or they could never do this or whatever. To me, I am eating in a way that is pretty sustainable long-term. I give myself allowances, but not so much that I become re-addicted to the things I've let go (which is a very careful balance). I have let go of several things enough that I can really gauge how I feel when I eat them and why I don't want them to be a regular part of my diet. I found the right timing and the right motivation to start this, and I'm still trucking along.