Sunday, September 8, 2013

Quick Elimination Guide-Vitamin C

The colon is the end of the elimination process in your body for many systems. If the colon is backed up, it can create some toxicity in the body that is not happy making.

A TEACHER of mine (who is not a doctor) told me about this from her doctor. I am not a doctor either. If you would like to do this, you may want to check with your healthcare professional but it works for me, and is probably why I am having continued success on my cleanse.

Vitamin C to aid constipation: too much vitamin C for someone with normal elimination can create diarrhea. For someone who is constipated, it can soften the stool enough to create regular bowel movements.

How to implement: get a quality vitamin C with few fillers or binders. I prefer capsules, and I've just begun taking the powder mixed with water which I also like. Start with a low dose: maybe 500 mg once per day. Increase your dosage slowly each day until one day you have diarrhea. The next day, back off one dose and that is your daily intake.

I split mine up, and I am taking 3000 mg twice per day. This may seem like a lot, and it is certainly not the dose for everyone, but if you're constipated, the above method could get things moving. I am having regular, large bowel movements at least once per day.

Again, if you have concerns, check with your healthcare professional.


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