Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today in the cleanse

Today is day number 31 of my candida cleanse. I'm having an interesting experience today and yesterday afternoon. Just like most of my symptomology, it's hard to know if its being caused by die-off or something else. My symptoms have generally gotten worse, meaning the things that got me on the cleanse in the first place are exacerbated. I do believe this is from die-off (when candida begins to die and starts to release even more toxicity in the body).

The new and interesting development is some very watery diarrhea. Over the weekend (three days ago) I did a couple of salt water flushes which can cause this, but usually the water goes through within a few hours. I've done salt water flushes before and don't recall the water waiting for days before making its way out. It's been to the point a couple of times that I want sure if it would wait until I got to the bathroom. Thankfully, it has so far.

So, die-off or something else? That's the ongoing question. With this cleanse I have to keep breathing, having some faith and reminding myself I'm doing this for overall better health. It takes time.

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