Thursday, October 3, 2013

Food obsession

We are a culture obsessed with food. I'm sure this is no surprise. I do not own a television and one night I stayed in a hotel room and watched tv. When watching TV I realized that literally every commercial I saw flip flopped between weight loss and (usually fast) food. No wonder we are so fucked up! How can we get it straight when we are inundated with thoughts of greasy French fries followed by a compulsion to burn off those calories or starve ourselves in retribution for our guilt?

I see this so much when I am around people at work. They think it is commendable to feel guilty about eating a doughnut. I may not have the answers to the universe, but I can tell you we are not here to spend our lives feeling guilty about fried sugar and dough. But how can we enjoy it when we know how bad it is for us and how physically bad it can make us feel and how the TV (and other people) tell us all the time that we should be ashamed of what we put in our bodies? Well, I don't have THE answer to that either. I do have some answers.

One-turn off the television.
Two-eat foods, more often than not, that you buy yourself at the store. These should preferably be things that look like the plant or animal they came from.
Three-read the ingredients. If there is a word you don't understand or some vague ingredient like "natural favors" find another version of that same food that clearly lists the ingredients.

If you do this, without counting calories or carbs or proteins or pounds, for several months, you will feel better. You will look better. Your body will begin to tell you when something doesn't feel right and you will naturally be less likely to want to eat it without beating yourself up on either side of your decision. Just think-"I could spend a few months eating mostly real foods. A mere matter of months out of my life and I could change my entire relationship with food." Not so bad, eh?

What'd ya say?

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