Friday, July 19, 2013

Where did this all begin?

I may have mentioned in previous posts how candida may proliferate for others, but I don't think I've talked too much about how it proliferated for me.

This is mere speculation based on reading a lot of different viewpoints and finding the ones that feel truest for me. I have taken antibiotics, though not as much as many out the. My parents didn't believe in antibiotics for colds and whatnot. I remember as an adult three specific times I took them-once for bronchitis and twice for vaginitis. Antibiotics can add to the candidiasis because they kill off our good gut flora that keeps candida in check.

The main article I read that struck home for me said if the gut flora is out of balance and there is too much food in the digestive tract, the food will sit there and ferment. This will feed candida. I think about the nights after nights of eating potato chips and drinking beer and how much stuff has just sat in my intestines, not really moving. Sugary sweet things were not usually my biggest craving. Starches and yeasts were, though.

I don't really miss sugar. I have a mental craving sometimes, but then it passes. The craving to over eat is still there. I believe that's the piece I need to pay attention to if I want long term lifelong success with this cleanse.

I have a lot of people say they're surprised I've done it this long and still have more to go. They can't believe it takes months to work through this. I respond that if taking a few months to correct years of imbalance is required, I'm up to the challenge. I started on 5/20 and it is 7/19. That's pretty good. And I think I feel another bowel movement coming on....

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